Thursday, March 18, 2010

I read somewhere that body behaves differently when you are with someone whom you LIKE.
Well, the first thing is a bit funny, how could things go out of choice and control :P
but yeah when the HEART and MIND sync is disturbed everything could happen...

Life always keeps you busy in dreamy and mushy stuff before the reality actually strikes dreaming is a bad disease and very very injurious for a normal life..

But, after all, the flavors of life are 'bittersweet' ...

Let's keep on adding SALT to life...


Agnes said...

"day dreaming is a bad disease and very very injurious for a normal life.." -- I think without our dreams we are dead.

rainboy said...

day dreaming is bad for sure . HAve had first hand experience.

salt is ok but I would add some pepper too..just to make it awesome ;D

take care jalebi girl

Hemanth Potluri said...

yeah totally agree ur mind and heart wont sync when the person u love is around...u get confused :D...

y not add sugar to make it sweet then adding salt :)...


joie de vivre said...

@ agnes

Oh no, Dream are not at all bad..I said Day Dreaming is bad dear..

joie de vivre said...

@ Rainboy

hehe why marzi woh daal bas ENJOY kar :)

joie de vivre said...

@ hemzi

funkyrave said...

Day Dreams for me r guilty pleasures..
They keep u off from reality and as u said.. u can tweak d reality d way u want..
Cant ever get rid of them..actually never want to..

Yeah Right 'keep adding salt'
Nice post..
Keep blogging.
Cheerio :)

Bikram said...

:) i thought it was Add SPICE to life rather then SALT..

First time here.. very good blog :)

Anwesa said...

Aha!!! Namak,mirch sab dalungi :)

erer said...

day dreams are bad when u let them get the best of you and ur constantly doing so :)